Monday, September 24, 2007

Hey all, Chris O here!

What 's up guys. I'm excited about joining the Team. I look forward to meeting all of you. Who's in for this weekend?? I am looking forward to the race, but have pretty low expectations as I have been struggling with an IT band injury since IM Louisville.

Since you guys don't know me, here's a little bio...This is my second season of tri racing. I was hooked after my first race. I have a running background, but you wouldn't guess that after looking at my race splits. Ran high school cross country and track as well as cross country in college. But...that was an eternity ago. I've put away enough beer and chips since then to erase anything I achieved in high school and college. I'm 33 now.

Finding triathlon last year was a life changer for me. I'm totally addicted. Before triathlon I had enjoyed staying in shape by working out, but after a few years, I felt like I was spinning my wheels. I really wanted competition. I'm very competitive, and there is no way I could ever be competitive in working out. You'll understand after you see my skinny butt at the race. So, triathlon has allowed me to stay in great shape while also satisfying my competitive side.

I got started with endurence events when my brother asked me to do the Atlanta marathon nearly 3 years ago. Please don't ask about the marathon. I now fully understand the term "GI Issues". What a painful experience. Keep in mind that I'm running through downtown Atlanta at around mile 22, so I think, "No problem, I'll just stop in a corner shop and use their facilities...DUH!!! Its' Thanksgiving...everything's closed. Anyway, to make a long story short, here I am. I love to train. I love to race. I really enjoy talking about triathlon racing and training. I treat my bike like a work of art...don't ever touch it without asking (just ask one of my kids, just kidding of course). I love to daydream about buying the most expensive bike equipment. OK, this is getting out of hand. Not that it's not true, but I'm sharing too much with guys I don't know that well. I really enjoy to ride.

So anyway, I'm looking forward to meeting you guys. I'm hoping I don't have to walk 13.1 miles on Sunday. Talk to you later. Look me up in transition...I'll be on the Kestrel with the GoTriSports kit, probably holding a 1 yr old baby.

Chris O


kleintri said...


Nice to hear from you. I have heard your name thru being around Carolina Tri and Jamie, and I've only heard great things about your ability. I must say that with the guys that have committed to the team so far I feel like the slow one here. I look forward to meeting you sometime and getting some training time with you and all of the team. I will not be at the SC Half this weekend. I am racing the Setup Chapionship race Oct.20 so I'm just trying to stay motivated for that. Take care and good luck on Sunday.

Hal Outen

David said...

Chris, great to have you with us! I just read your profile, and I think we may be twins of a different mother. LOL No if I only was half as fast as you...

Jamie said...


Great to have you on the team man. Looking forward to getting to know you better and also rock the triathlon scene with you next year!! I'll see you on Sunday.


pete said...

Good luck this weekend to you and others racing(JAMIE), I am not racing but might drive down to watch. It looks like it should be a very competitive race, lots of big names. I wish I was doing it to avenge my poor run(walk) from last year. Have fun!!