Saturday, September 15, 2007

Team TYB Racing represent!

We had a great showing at the Pickens family YMCA "Tri the Ridge" sprint today. Of the four teammates, all of us got on the podium! While this may not have been the same depth of competition as the SCTS races, there were plenty of fast guys! Jamie should have come in first overall, but a timing SNAFU (related to not accounting for missing seeded racers - this was not a chip timed event) allowed Kris Sinclair to be awarded first.

Good job, guys! That was a challenging bike course, for sure. Well, maybe not for Jamie, who had to do an extra mile and a half!


Jamie said...

Great race to all you guys. Cam, great race man, even with a 3.5 mile run. Jonathan, way to rock and roll like always and keep it coming. And David, great race and great to see you back out there!!

This is a great idea with the blog. Keep active on it as it gives us a chance to interact with each other and also with sponsors and potential sponsors...

Stephen Shenal said...

Way to go guys, great racing!